Who Is More Reliable For Real Estate Investment Loans?

 First-time investors often struggle to get real estate investment loans because they approach only banks. For example, they first turn to their banks where they have accounts and waste much of their precious time in understanding the loan process of banks. But little do they know that private financers are more prompt than banks. 

Let’s compare banks with private financers

1. Availability

Banks are limited in number but private financers are many. Also, banks adhere to their work timings and days but private lenders have flexible work timings. For example, a private financing company can make its officials sit an extra hour to process your loan request. Since there are more finance companies, you can explore all options to get the best deal.

2. Flexible terms and conditions

Banks have strict rules for mortgage for investment properties but private financers are different. They are quite flexible in their approach. They are ready to bend rules to increase the eligibility of investors. For example, if you want to borrow a loan despite poor credit scores, a private financer would happily accept your request for a loan and even process your loan within a short time. 

3. Quick loan processing

The biggest benefit of private financers is they can process your loan request within a one-on-one meeting. It is the shortest time a lender takes to approve a loan application. But the same can’t be expected from banks who follow all rules. Banks are slow in processing loan applications and for this reason, they are unreliable for investment loans. 

4. Guarantee

There is a guarantee that a private financer will approve your investment property mortgage. It is so because private lenders are quite liberal in giving loans. They want to help everyone and they don’t hesitate to work an extra hour to approve loan applications. But banks consider many factors including credit score and payment history for processing loan applications.

5. Freedom

Private financers will keep you free from the pressure of repayment. Also, they won’t ask for collateral or any other thing that you can’t produce. But banks will make sure that you repay the loan. Also, banks will ask for collateral.


In conclusion, it can be said that private bankers are more reliable for real estate investment loans. If you compare private lenders and banks, you will choose the former for a loan. If you are looking for a property loan, you should look no further than private financers.


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